御鑫科技集装箱箱号自动识别系统,集装箱箱型自动识别系统采用先进的数码拍图、图像传输、识别技术、现代通信技术和先进的现代软件技术等高科技手段,提供安全、可靠、、经济的成套系统,并研制开发出相应的控制通讯软件,形成软硬一体化的集装箱箱号(箱型)自动识别系统。 系统特点:
在满足系统工作条件的情况下,集装箱箱号识别率可达到99%以上,箱型代码识别率可达到98.5%以 上,识别出箱号(箱型)的时间为1~3秒。 处理每幅图像的时间少于 1 秒,有效提高出入效率及吞吐量 24小时全天候不间断运行,加强闸口的保安,支持不停车检测 即使号码生锈、沾泥、油漆剥落、裉色、带有底纹或光线强弱不一,系统也能准备识别 能识别各种尺寸的集装箱: 10 呎、 1*20 呎、 2*20 呎、 40 呎、 45 呎、框架箱、开*箱、罐装箱等标准箱与非标准箱,普通箱与*高箱等。 采用高通光量补光方式,配合拍图设备全天候运行,保障在日照和夜间可以得到几乎一致质量的图像 。 先进的触发设备和时序设计保障先进判断箱号和箱型,各种箱型均可以识别。 智能指示灯显示的控制器*方便操作人员使用和监测设备工作状况。 对寒冷地区环境,能够做到自动加热、自动除霜,保证准确拍图及系统的正常工作。 系统设置了数据备份管理,全部图像被实时保存,并接受远程调用。 可与其它卡口设备相互兼容,并支持现场和远程的人工干预管理。 提供了适合多需求的开发接口,可以根据客户的需要进行二次开发和特殊设计。 本系统具有良好的兼容性,能够与其它软件相结合,为各种软件提供程序接口。 清晰的外部软件、硬件接口,方便卡口的整体集成。 应用范围 经过多年的深入研究,实践运行验证,御鑫科技集装箱箱号(箱型)自动识别系统已成为国内技术良好、性能先进的具有独立自主知识产权的软硬件一体化系统。该系统主要是针对现代化集装箱码头、堆场、场站、加工区、保税区、物流园、铁路货运等监管场所使用,完成通过闸口的集装箱号码自动辨认及记录,实现提率,统筹安排,加强监管,无人职守的电子化通关目的。
Automatic identification system of railway freight container number in logistics park of bonded zone of customs processing zone of port terminal yard
System overview:
The automatic identification system of container number is widely used in the occasions that need to manage the entry and exit of containers, such as port, wharf yard, customs processing zone, bonded zone logistics park, railway freight, etc. the manual recording cost is high and easy to make mistakes. The use of automatic container number identification system can greatly improve the management efficiency.
The technology of the container identification system adopts advanced industry leading identification technology and the company's global license plate recognition system in Chinese mainland, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, America, the European Union, Central Asia, Mongolia, Russia, the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Korea, Japan, Germany, and Britain. Automatic identification of container numbers in ports, terminals, customs and logistics parks of France, Singapore, Malaysia and foreign border countries.
Yuxin technology container number automatic identification system and container type automatic identification system adopt advanced high-tech means such as digital mapping, image transmission, identification technology, modern communication technology and advanced modern software technology to provide a complete set of safe, reliable and economical system, and develop corresponding control communication software to form a container number integrating software and hardware (box type) automatic identification system. System features:
Under the condition of meeting the working conditions of the system, the identification rate of container number can reach more than 99%, the identification rate of container type code can reach more than 98.5%, and the container number (container type) can be identified The processing time is 1 ~ 3 seconds. The processing time of each image is less than 1 second, which can effectively improve the access efficiency and throughput, operate 24 hours a day, strengthen the security of the gate, and support non-stop detection. Even if the number is rusty, muddy, paint peeling, color, shading or light intensity is different, the system can be prepared to identify containers of various sizes: 10 feet, 1 * 2 0 foot, 2 * 20 foot, 40 foot, 45 foot, frame box, open * box, canned box and other standard boxes and non-standard boxes, ordinary box and * high box, etc. the high-throughput lighting mode is adopted to cooperate with the all-weather operation of the photographing equipment to ensure that almost the same quality images can be obtained in sunshine and at night. The advanced trigger equipment and timing design ensure the advanced judgment of box number and box type, and various box types It can be recognized. The controller * displayed by the intelligent indicator light is convenient for the operator to use and monitor the working condition of the equipment. For the cold area environment, it can achieve automatic heating and automatic defrosting, so as to ensure the accurate photographing and the normal operation of the system. The system is equipped with data backup management, all images are saved in real time and accept remote calls. It can be compatible with other bayonet devices It also supports on-site and remote manual intervention management. It provides a development interface suitable for multiple needs, and can carry out secondary development and special design according to the needs of customers. The system has good compatibility and can be combined with other software to provide program interfaces for various software. Clear external software and hardware interfaces facilitate the overall integration of bayonets. Scope of application After years of in-depth research and practical operation verification, Yuxin technology container No. (container type) The automatic identification system has become an integrated software and hardware system with independent intellectual property rights with good technology and advanced performance in China. The system is mainly used for modern container terminals, storage yards, stations, processing areas, bonded areas, logistics parks, railway freight and other regulatory places to complete the automatic identification and recording of container numbers passing through the gate, so as to improve the rate and overall safety Platoon, strengthen supervision and unattended electronic customs clearance.
Our company is using the advanced industry leading identification technology and the global license plate recognition system of our company to support mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, America, the European Union, Central Asia, Mongolia, Russia, the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Korea, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Automatic identification of container numbers in ports, terminals, customs and logistics parks of France, Singapore, Malaysia and foreign border countries.